Latisha Icy Rae

Hello and welcome to my most inner thoughts. If you are visiting this site it's because you are interested in seeing life through someone else's eyes. I must let you know this is not a site for the very opinionated or judgemental indiviual; after all how else do you expect to see the world through someone else's eyes if you can't shut your own.
 A little bit of background information about myself and what my site is about, well for starters I've always had a passion to write. Writing poetry and short stories has been something I've always done since I was in elementary school. It's amazing what one's mind can come up with. I've always written about love and passion and that's mostly what you will read about in my blogs. There will be an occassional writing here and there about friendship and motherhood but for the most part I'll be writing about feelings of passion and lost love. Some of what you read will be fiction mixed with reality and some will just be plane darn right out reality. Being the mysterious writer that I am I will let you decide which is which. 
Now it's time to shut your eyes (and your mouth too) and open your mind to the world as I see it though my eyes. Don't be nervous it can't hurt to be open minded.